Library Books
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Across The Years (Book-Hard)
History of Sisseton, South Dakota
by Sisseton Centennial Book Committee
Ashley's Golden Jubliee (Book-Hard)
1888 - 1938 50 Years of Progress
Ashley Golden Jubliee Committee
by J W Meidinger and Ed Rau
Ashley Diamond Jubilee (Book-Hard)
Ashley, North Dakota 1888-1963
by Max A.
Wishek, Chairman
At Home in Russia at Home on the Prairie (DVD)
by NDSU & Prairie Public Broadcasting
A Bibliography on the Germans from Russia Material (Softcover)
Found in the New York Public Library 1970
Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas (Book-Soft)
by George Rath
Celebrating the Centennial of the Saxon Immigration 1839-1939 (Book-Soft)
The Central Dakota Germans (Book-Soft)
Their History, Language and Culture
by Shirley Fischer Arends
Colorado Life -September/October 2017 (Magazine)
Pg 38-46 "The hidden history of Colorado's Germans from Russia"
Pg 49-51 "From the Volga to the South Platte Heirloom recipes"
Concordia Connection Summer 2009 ((Magazine))
Pg 14 "Journeys" Featuring the saga of the Volga Germans
Portland, Oregon
Conquering the Wind (Book-Soft)
An Epic Migration from the Rhine to the Volga to the Plains of
by Amy Brungardt Toepfer &
Agnes Diedling
Dakota Kraut, A Memoir (Book-Soft)
by Ron Vossler
Dutch Hop Music (CD)
by Paul Weingardt and Adolph Lesser
East Prussians From Russia (Book-Hard)
by Michael J. Anuta
Emma's Thesis - The German Russians on the Volga and in the United States
by Emma Schwabenland Haynes
Faith Under Four Flags (Book-Soft)
A Personal Diary of Germans in Russia
by Emil J Roleder
Genealogy Roadshow 2017 (DVD)
History of Germans from Russia
Presented by Mike Meisinger
At the Golden Wheat Chapter AHSGR
German Food & Folkways (Book-Soft)
Heirloom Memories from Europe, South Russia & The Great Plains
by RMH Gueldner
The German Russians: Those Who Came to Sutton (Book-Soft)
by James R. Griess
The German Settlements in Bessarabia (Book-Soft)
A Study of the German Immigration to,
Successful Settlement in, and Ultimate
Abandonment of Bessarabia
by Burkett W Huey
The Germans from Russia in Oklahoma (Book-Soft)
by Douglas Hale
The Germans from Russia in Portland, Oregon Part 1 & Part 2 (DVD)
"From the Russian Steppe to the Pacific Northwest"
by Steven Schreiber
Germans from Russia in the Yakima Valley Prior to 1940 (Book-Hard)
by the Central Washington Chapter AHSGR
Gottlieb Bauer Letters (Duotang)
Translated from German to English
by Pastor H. Gutsche & Michael Rempfer GRHS
Gottlob Lerch (Book-Soft)
A Story by F. B. Urban
Great-Grandparents of Yagodnaya Polyana, Russia (Book-Soft)
The John Conrad Fuchs, John Ward Schmick, and related family histories
by Gary August Fuchs
Guide to Finding Your Elis Island Ancestors (Book-Soft)
Her Golden Door (Book-Soft)
A Novel of the Volga Germans Who Followed Their Dreams to America
by Calvin E. Nuss
Heritage 2018 (Newspaper)
Historic businesses of days gone by,
Buffalo, Wyoming
Published by Buffalo Bulletin
History of Greater Seattle Chapter AHSGR (Softcover)
by Arthur Kramer - January 1985
History of Zion Church Book II (Book-Soft)
1991 Weatherford, Oklahoma
Hutchinson County, South Dakota 1880 Census (Book-Soft)
Transcribed by Ronald J. Seibert
Index to Kirchenbote Obituaries 1956 - 1963 (Softcover)
by Central Washington Chapter AHSGR Edited by Frank McLean
It's All Earth and Sky (DVD)
by Arthur Flegel, Debra Marquardt, Al Neuharth, Henry Schmick & Brian
Karte der russlanddeutschen Siedlungen (Map)
In den USA und Mexiko
by Dr. Karl Stumpp
Lincoln and Nearby Communities (Book-Soft)
Telephone Directory March 2010
Long Lake 1929-1979 Golden Jubilee (Book-Hard)
Long Lake, South Dakota
by Historical Book Committee
Lost Shawls and Pig Spleens (Book-Soft)
Folklore, Anecdotes, and Humor from the oral traditions
of Germans from Russian in the Dakotas
by Ron Vossler
Memories - Humor of a Second Generation Volga Americans (Book-Soft)
by Calvin E. Nuss
Norka: A Passage in Time (DVD & Softcover)
c/w A Study Guide to Accompany the film
by Amber Kirkendall & Sherry Pawelko
Not Until the Combine is Paid and Other Jokes (Book-Soft)
From the oral traditions of Germans from Russia in the Dakotas
by Ron Vossler
Off The Mountain Lake Range (Book-Soft) & (Duotang)
by Heritage House
The Old God Still Lives (Book-Soft)
Ethnic Germans in Czarist and Soviet Ukraine
Write their American Relatives 1915-1924
by Ron Vossler
The Other Germans (Book-Soft)
Settlements of Germans from Russia in Oklahoma and Texas
by Philip C Bryan
Over the Viaduct or Across the Tracks (Book-Soft)
To Memory Lane We Go...
by Vemmy (Loos) Nielsen
Pioneers and Their Sons Volume II (Book-Soft)
One Hundred Twenty Family Histories
by Monsignor George P. Aberle
Pilgrims On The Earth (Book-Hard)
A German-Russian Chronicle
by Richard D. Scheuerman
"Prairies" Vol. 7 No. 7 June/July 1984 (Magazine)
by Warren and Barbara Overlie
Recipes from our Summer Kitchens (Book-Soft)
And our family histories, towns and churches
by Central Oklahoma Chapter AHSGR
Researching the Germans from Russia (Book-Soft)
Compiled by Michael M. Miller
Russian - German Settlements in the United States (Book-Hard)
By Richard Sallet, La Vern J. Rippley & Armand Bauer
Sophie's Grandma (Book-Hard)
by Author Barbara Horn, Artist Heidi Spring, Editor James Klein
Speaking-out on Sod-House Times (Book-Soft)
Interviews by Pauline Neher Diede
Steppes to Neu Odessa (Book-Soft)
Germans from Russia who settled in Odessa Township,
Dakota Territory, 1872 - 1876, 2nd Edition
by Cynthia Anne Frank Stupnik
Sundogs and Sunflowers (Book-Hard)
Folklore and Folk Art of the Northern Great Plains
Compiled and Edited by Timothy J. Kloberdanz & Troy A Geist
Sunflowers & Thistles (Book-Hard)
Bessarabian Germans Speak Out
by Elvire Bisle-Fandrick, Translated by James T. Gessele
Torn Roots (Book-Soft)
Written and Compiled by Theodore Wentland
The Volga - Germans of Michigan's Thumb (Book-Soft)
by Bill Picklehaupt
The Volga Germans (Book-Hard)
Pioneers of the Northwest
by Richard D. Scheuerman & Clifford E. Trafzer
The Volga Germans In Old Russia (Book-Soft)
And In Western North America
by Timothy J Kloberdanz
The Volga Germans in Russia and the Americas (Book-Hard)
From 1763 to the Present
by Fred C. Koch
The Volga Germans of West Kansas Unsere Leute (Book-Soft)
Edited by William D. Keel with James L. Forsythe, Francis Schipper and Helmut J. Schmeller
Waiting For Otto (Book-Soft)
by Ron Rude
Wedding in the Darkness (Book-Soft)
Three Accounts from Collectivization
And The Great Terror (1928-1938)
By Ron Vossler
We'll Meet Again in Heaven (Book-Soft)
Germans In The Soviet Union
Write Their American Relatives
1925 - 1937
by Ronald J & Joshua J. Vossler
Why I Never Called Death the River and
Other Voices from the Valley of Hope: A Prairie Album (Book-Soft)
by Ron Vossler